Dogs love to be outside, and it is also very good for them. Unfortunately, there are situations where you and your dog are housebound and you can't go outside for a long walk. For example, if you are sick, have to work from home or have to be quarantined, you are forced to entertain your dog at home. These tips will ensure that your dog still has fun indoors!
- Train your dog's brain
To train and entertain your dog, it's a good idea to play a game. Petbnb has come up with a game for you and your dog!
Sit across from your dog and place three cups in front of him, hiding a treat under them while he watches. Scramble the cups and encourage your dog to find the treat. This is very educational and challenging for your dog.

2. Teach your dog to help in the household
If you have to sit at home for an extended period of time, this is a good tool to teach your dog. For example, teach him to grab your slippers or the newspaper. You can also teach your dog to grab things from the refrigerator.
3. Play hide-and-seek
Very easy and a fun game for you and your dog. You can also teach him well the "stay" command and it provides physical exercise. It also improves your dog's problem-solving ability and the bond between owner and dog.
4. Take care of your dog
If you're housebound, it's the perfect opportunity to give your dog a good wash and brush. Be sure to use dog shampoo for this!
5. Bubble Blowing
Bubble blowing is great fun to do with your dog. Most dogs fly after the bubbles and entertain themselves very well with them. Blowing bubbles is very easy if you can't move around much yourself.
6. Invite a dog friend over
Another dog can get your dog all fired up and you don't have to entertain the dogs yourself. A perfect distraction for your dog!