As a dog owner, it is important to be aware of what your pet can and cannot eat. Unfortunately, it is still common for four-legged friends to accidentally consume the wrong things. Besides the dangerous consequences, there are also high veterinary costs involved. In this blog, we take a closer look at the costs associated with eating certain substances.
The costs shown below are based on data from Great Britain (Manypets, 2023). It gives an indication of the costs incurred in the Netherlands.
- Onions
Onions are harmful to dogs because onions contain certain substances that are eventually converted into oxidants. These oxidants can damage red blood cells in dogs. Even a small amount of onion can be harmful to your dog. Nor are the consequences for your wallet small. An average vet bill of €385 you can expect if you have your dog treated for eating onions.

2. Grapes or raisins
Grapes or raisins are very harmful to dogs. If dogs have ingested this forbidden fruit, they are at high risk of kidney failure. Extremely dangerous. In terms of veterinary costs you can count on an average of €570 to treat your dog. So from now on, lock up those grapes and raisins!
3. Vitamin D tablets
It sometimes happens that quadrupeds accidentally find the vitamin pills and chew them up. However, this is not funny because eating vitamin D tablets can lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult the veterinarian immediately if your dog has indulged in the vitamin jar. The average veterinary cost for eating vitamin D pills averages out to €725.

4. Detergent
Eating detergent is enormously dangerous for dogs, as it causes severe stomach upset and respiratory irritation. The average veterinary cost for devouring detergent is €630. Has your dog accidentally eaten detergent? If so, call the vet immediately and don't forget to take the package of detergent with you to the vet.
5. Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen should never be given to pets. Ingestion of this painkiller can cause poisoning. If your pet ingests this painkiller and it is absorbed into the blood, it can be fatal. Do not hesitate and call your veterinarian immediately if your pet has eaten this. The average veterinary cost associated with your pet ingesting ibuprofen is €725.
