You probably already knew that dogs are good for your health. Of course, this is all the more true when you are a year older. A dog provides a daily portion of exercise and guarantees companionship. Time for a dog! We have 5 dog breeds that are ideally suited for the senior dog lover.
1. The Pug

The Pug is a compact little dog with a giant personality! They don't need much exercise and are fun with children. Great for your grandchildren to play with.
2. The Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier is a true family dog. They also love children. They do need more exercise than a Pug. This dog is perfect for cozying up on the couch with when you're watching TV or reading a book (but, of course, you can do that with almost any dog).
3. The Poodle

Poodles are cozy balls of wool that occasionally like to go with you to the (dog) hairdresser.... They listen well and they come in different sizes: mini, standard and large. So you just choose the size poodle that suits you.
4. Maltese

The Maltese is an easy to carry cuddly bear to take with you wherever you go. This dog is perfect for you if you are looking for a companion who will always have your back.
5. Corgi

The Corgi is the perfect dog breed for the active senior. The Corgi has the energy of a larger dog, but is easier to control. So put on those hiking boots and go for a nice walk.