There are dog breeds that have little tendency to bark. So if you live in an apartment with "thin" walls or just don't like barking dogs you might consider looking at the following breeds. Beware there are also dogs that snore or even yodel.
1. The English Bulldog

This little darling rarely barks. Make sure these dogs don't get too fat. So be careful with food and give them plenty of exercise. When it gets very hot, a Bulldog can suffer from respiratory problems. In that case, try to walk early in the morning or late in the evening when it is still cooler.
2. The Great Dane

Almost everyone knows this iconic giant. What many people do not know is that this dog hardly barks at all. Therefore, this dog can also live well in a noisy, but spacious, house.
3. The French Bulldog

The French Bulldog loves to be cuddled and does not need much exercise. Frenchies grunt, fart and do make many other crazy noises. Barking, on the other hand, will not happen often.
4. Basenji

The Basenji breed comes from Africa. The translation of Basenji is "Dog that doesn't bark." Because they are not too big, they are perfect for living in a smaller house. They are very intelligent and independent dogs. The dogs make howling and yodeling sounds. Thus, this breed does not bark but makes many other sounds.
5. Bernese Mountain Dog

These dogs are super affectionate and gentle. Bernies are bred for farm work. This Swiss breed only barks when something important is happening. Too much barking could disturb livestock.