Cats are masters of relaxation. They seem to be able to sleep whenever and wherever they want, and their sleeping positions are not only cute to watch, but also reveal a lot about their physical comfort and emotional state. Let's take a closer look at the different sleeping positions of cats and what they mean!
1. The classic ball-in-cheek sleeping position. (the donut)
The donut; when your cat rolls themselves up like a fuzzy ball, they keep themselves well warm. In addition, it usually means they feel safe and at ease. This sleeping position is a relic of their wild ancestors who protected themselves from predators in this way. A curled up cat usually means a happy cat!

2. The extended supine position
When your cat lies stretched out on its back, with belly and paws exposed, it is a sign of supreme trust and comfort. While it may be tempting to pet that soft belly, caution is advised, as not all cats like to be touched on their bellies. Some cats see this as a vulnerable position and may react unpredictably.

3. The "cat as a pillow" attitude
Cats have perfected the art of sleeping on humans. When your cat lies on you like a warm, fuzzy blanket, it is a sign of affection and trust. They feel close to you and see you as a safe place to rest. This is also an opportunity for both of you to strengthen your bond.

4. The spinning side position
This position is characteristic of cats that feel relaxed but are still somewhat alert. Cats can move quickly from this position to action if something catches their attention. This is a sign of a balanced state of mind - they are not completely at rest, but neither are they tense.

5. The Hiding Sleep Position
If your cat hides in a den, under a blanket or behind a pillow, this is a sign that they want to retreat for a while and feel safe. This can be especially common in households with multiple cats or other pets. It is their way of escaping the hustle and bustle for a while. If your cat does this too often, it may indicate too many stimuli in the house. In that case, see how you can reduce the stimuli a bit.

6. 'The roll' or 'the Sphinx'
Like the imposing sphinx guarding the pyramids, cats also like to assume a similar posture. They stretch out on their stomachs, pull up their hind legs and their front paws roll up under them. This comfortable position (which resembles a loaf of bread) lets them doze off with half-closed eyes, without sleeping deeply. The same is true when they sit upright. Cats use this position to recover from games or hunting, while still remaining alert for any possible action. When things remain quiet, they lay their heads down for a quick power nap.
