It is difficult to recognize stress in a dog. Especially if you don't know your dog from childhood or it is an unfamiliar dog. As with any unusual behavior, we need to know how our dogs usually act to determine that something strange is going on.
Here are some of your dog's less common and more subtle expressions of stress:
Crescent eyes
When dogs move their eyes to look rather than their entire head, a piece of white becomes visible; i.e., a half-moon, also called "whale eyes." You see this quite often in environments or situations that are stressful for the dog.

Excessive smacking and drooling
If you hear your dog smacking noticeably or there are puddles of drool on the floor, be extra vigilant.

Excessive hair loss
If your dog is losing more hair than normal, this could either have a medical cause or be a manifestation of stress. In this case, contact your veterinarian to be sure.
In frustrating, stressful or even tense situations, a dog may scratch (or bite its own paws) remarkably often. Like excessive hair loss, this may require a second opinion from your veterinarian in case it's something other than stress.
If a dog yawns repeatedly, they are telling you that they are uncomfortable. This can occur, for example, in the vet's waiting room because your dog knows what to expect

Constantly looking around or reacting alertly to the slightest sound or movement is common when a dog is uncomfortable in its environment.

There are many reasons a dog can experience stress, too many to mention. If any or all of the above apply to your dog, reach back to the well-known 3 R's: Rest, Cleanliness and Regularity.
