Due to the lockdown, many dogs were added, but due to lack of time from the owners, the shelters are now unfortunately very full.... Very sad, because every dog deserves a nice home! Therefore, think carefully before you buy a dog. Even though you would love to have a dog, maybe your job will not work out, or maybe you don't want to be stuck with the responsibilities that come with it.
To still have fun with a cute four-legged friend, Petbnb offers the perfect solution! We allow you to take care of a sweet dog, but you are not stuck with all the responsibilities. You can choose when you want to walk/care for your dog. And how nice is that... not only for the dog, but also for you! Dogs make you very happy J Read below why!
- Pets have a positive impact on your hormone balance
Research shows that petting a pet can increase feelings of happiness, reduce stress and increase well-being! Even watching a cute movie of an animal has an effect on your hormone balance. Have you ever caught yourself saying that when you are a little sad, puppy videos make you extra happy? It can be explained by the release of the hormone oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone. For example, oxytocin is released when people hug each other, a mother has just had a baby, or when you hug a dog! Also, petting a dog reduces stress, or a reduction in your cortisol levels. This stress hormone can cause many health issues. So having a (babysitting) dog lowers your stress hormone and increases the cuddle hormone.
2. Dogs are good for your health
A dog needs to go outside for a walk three to four times a day. This fresh air is not only good for your dog, but obviously for you as well. In fact, walking is very good for you and reduces the risk of depression. Sometimes you have those days when you really want to sit inside all day and probably feel even more miserable as a result. A dog does make you want to go outside! This way you get out of the rut of sitting inside a lot and also have your daily dose of exercise.
3. Dogs give you purpose
Because you have to offer your dog a certain structure through feeding him, walking him and taking care of him, you also get a structure for yourself faster. Moreover, it gives satisfaction to take care of something and to love a dog. You are responsible for your (babysitting) dog and you see that he becomes very happy when you feed, walk and take care of him. This makes you feel good and again reduces the risk of depression.
4. Dogs reduce loneliness
Honestly, how nice is it when you come home and someone is very happy to see you? A wagging tail and a happy head can brighten your day all over again! Don't feel weird talking to your dog, lots of people do this. You may feel that your dog understands you. Moreover, talking to your pets reduces loneliness. For example, dogs are very smart and can hear by your pitch how you feel. Of course, they can't say anything back, but dogs can comfort you when you feel lonely or sad.
5. Dogs can enhance your social life
Taking a walk with the dog can make you meet new people just like that! Often other dog owners understand your love for your (babysitting) dog and you can share this with them. For example, a puppy class is a very good place to meet new people and also a lot of fun!