We are happy to announce that we will soon be adding cats to our platform! Are you in need of a sweet and trusted cat sitter, or are you a huge cat lover and would love to babysit cats? Then keep an eye on our platform for more information. Dogs and cats are vastly different. We have listed the funniest differences for you!
- Greeting a dog versus greeting a cat
People who have cats and dogs will recognize the following picture all too well....

Dogs are often excited when you return home, while cats usually stay lazily in the place where they feel most comfortable. Cats by nature are a bit more self-contained and are less concerned with their surroundings.
2. The emotions of a dog versus the emotions of a cat
Emotions are easier to read in dogs than in cats. In general, dogs are also busier than cats. If you are considering getting a dog or cat, it is useful to take into account that a dog needs more care than a cat. A cat doesn't need to be walked, generally needs a little less attention and is a little more on its own. Of course a cat (usually) wants to be pampered and if you don't have time for that, you can hire a cat sitter when you are away for the day.

3. How a dog would work in the office versus how a cat would work in the office

4. Eating behavior of dogs versus eating behavior of cats
Dogs and cats are different in their eating behavior. Dogs are almost always hungry. Older and smaller dogs tend to have slightly less appetite. Cats eat when they get a pull. Many cats are happy to spend an entire day with a bowl of food. Also, in general, they tend to be a little pickier about what they eat than dogs.

5. How to work at home with a dog versus how to work at home with a cat
If you have a cat, you probably recognize the following scenario; You are at home working and would like to finish that one email. You take out your laptop and there comes your cat and sits on your keyboard. You can never finish typing that email. Your cat wants attention and won't leave without getting it. Dogs will often claim attention in a different way. For example, they will bark or squeak, beg and gnaw on attributes such as socks.
