If you have a cat, of course you want your cat to be happy. Cats are mysterious and have their own traits. Therefore, it can be quite tricky to read your cat. "Is my cat happy?" and "What does this behavior he is exhibiting mean?" may be questions you ask yourself. Are you curious about how to find out if your cat is happy? Then read on, because we would like to explain to you which behavioral signs you can recognize if your cat is happy.
1. Playful behavior
If your cat is sociable and shows playful behavior, this is a very good sign. In fact, it is one of the most reliable signs to recognize Whether your cat is happy. In fact, playful behavior emerges when enough attention is paid to all the basic needs, such as sleeping and eating. Do you have an older cat and does he no longer play as much? Don't worry, older cats just don't play as much as younger cats. After all, they have less energy.

2. Socialization
If your cat comes to you when you come home and touches you with its head or even sits on your lap, it is an excellent sign that your cat is happy. Cats are social animals and when they come to you, it means that they trust you and feel happy with you.
3. Appetite
A healthy and happy cat has a good appetite. For example, if your cat asks for something goodies, or brings you to his food bowl is a good sign.
4. Cleaning
If your cat spends a lot of time cleaning himself, it is a sign that he is calm and happy. Cats love beauty and hygiene, so if they spend a lot of time cleaning their fur, it is a sign that they are happy. In addition, it is also common for a happy cat to lick other cats clean, or you as the owner!

5. Rubbing his nose all over you
When your cat rubs its nose over you, it means it wants to give off a scent on you. Translated into human language this looks like; "You belong to me!". So a very good sign if your cat wants to rub his nose all over your body.
6. Quiet behavior and sleep
If your cat is calm and relaxed, it is a sign that he is happy and experiencing little stress in your home. Cats are naturally calm animals and if they have enough rest, they can feel good about themselves. It is also a good sign if your cat sleeps enough. Adult cats sleep an average of 12 to 18 hours a day.

7. Running around the house
Does your cat sometimes have a busy half hour and race around the house? That's a good sign! This is because your cat feels comfortable with you; it is a way of showing his joie de vivre to you.
8. Hug
If your cat cuddles you, it is a clear sign that he has a close relationship with you and trusts you. If your cat comes to sit with you on the couch, on your lap, or on your bed, it means he is eager to cuddle you.

9. Tail up in greeting
If your cat has his tail up and the tail ends in a curly shape, this is a sign of a happy cat. Also, if he runs into your legs, this means he is happy and likes you.
10. Frequently meowing or grunting along.
If your cat regularly meows or grunts along when you come home or when you give him attention, this is a good sign. But, pay attention to what kind of meow sounds your cat makes. A high meow means a contented cat, but a low and longer meow often means an irritated or dissatisfied cat.
Keeps your cat happy!
If you notice that your cat gets bored or stressed often through long periods of being alone, it is important to look for a solution. Cats are social animals that need interaction and companionship. It may be a good choice to have a book a reliable sitter through Petbnb. This sitter comes to your home to make sure your cat gets the attention, care and companionship it needs, even when you are not there. This way, your cat can in his familiar environment remain, while you can go about your daily business with peace of mind, knowing that he is well cared for.

need a sitter for your cat?