What is a grass ear?
Grass ears are the hard, pointed seed heads of grass plants that form during the flowering season. They are designed to cling to animals and clothing, spreading them to new areas. While these seed heads are useful for plant reproduction, they can become problematic when they come into contact with pets.
The dangers of grass ears for dogs
- Internal Irritation: One of the most common problems with grass ears is that they can attach themselves to a dog's coat and then migrate to sensitive parts of the body, such as ears, eyes, nose and paws. This can lead to severe internal irritation and inflammation.
- Ear problems: Grass ears have a notorious reputation for causing ear infections in dogs. When a grass seed enters a dog's ear, it can cause intense pain, irritation and infection. In some cases, a grass seed can even penetrate deep enough to perforate the eardrum, causing serious complications.
- Eye injury: Grass ears can also cause eye damage in dogs. When a seed enters the eye, it can cause severe irritation, inflammation and even damage to the cornea. This can lead to reduced vision and even permanent damage if not treated quickly.
- Respiratory problems: In some cases, grass ears can be inhaled by dogs, especially while running through tall grass. This can lead to severe respiratory problems and even pneumonia if the seeds penetrate deep enough into the airways.

How do you protect your dog from grass ear?
Preventing contact between dogs and grass ears is the best way to avoid problems. Here are a few tips to keep your furry friend safe:
- Keep the grass in your yard cut short To reduce the risk of exposure to grass ears.
- Check your dog's coat regularly, especially after walks in areas of tall grass.
- Watch for signs of discomfort, such as excessive scratching, shaking of the head or redness around the eyes or ears.
- Visit the veterinarian If you suspect your dog has come in contact with a grass seed. Prompt removal can help prevent serious complications.

By being aware of the dangers of grass ears and acting proactively to minimize exposure, we can protect our furry friends from unnecessary suffering and discomfort. So the next time you walk your dog, keep a sharp eye out for those innocent-looking grass seeds - they could cause more harm than you think.
Also read our article on the prevention and treatment of ticks.