Other countries, other customs! From Ireland to Persia - Every country has a nice proverb or saying about a dog.
Herewith 9 examples
- As loyal as a dog (Netherlands)
- A dog is a heart on four legs. (Ireland)
- Dealing with a dog is good for humans. (Tibet)
- If you love dogs, you must also accept fleas. (Zambia)
- It is hard to find a mate as loyal as a dog - if a poor man raised him, he will never follow a rich man. (Mongolia)
- A smart dog never barks without a reason. (France)
- A dog without a tail cannot demonstrate happiness. (Albania)
- When a human soul and a dog soul meet in paradise, the human soul will have to bow to the dog soul. (Siberia)
- A dog at hand is better than a brother far away. (Persia)
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