What a lot of variation there is in dog breeds! Some breeds are more sleepy than others. But for every human character there is a good match with a dog character. No wonder older people often pick small dogs that are not too busy. Today we'll take a closer look at dog breeds that like to sleep. These dogs find an evening Netflix on the couch no problem, AND can really appreciate a day in bed!
- Tibetan Terrier
This breed has little need for daily activities in the house, but he does love a good walk! He also likes to be around his family.

2. Pug (pug)
The life of a pug is simple: sleep, cuddle, sleep. This type of breed is not a natural athlete and they are occasionally active.

3. Maltese
The Maltese is a typical lap dog and is sometimes active. They are very loyal and obedient to their owner. Real sweethearts!

4. Basset Hound
This breed is known and loved for their laid-back nature. They like to be with the family and don't get happy if their sleeping basket is in another room. How cute are they huh!

5. Havanese
This breed is sometimes active, but don't expect an athletic spectacle! They are very sociable and sweet, though.

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The spaniel is sometimes active, but generally he likes to snuggle up in his basket.

7. Neapolitan Mastiff
This breed is very sweet and protective, but it is also a lazy bulky giant that loves to eat a lot!

8. Pekinese
This is a stubborn breed. The Pekinese has an ego bigger than himself, but he loves to lie in his lap! Very affectionate and loyal to his master.

9. Pyrenean Mountain Dog
These sweet, calm and white fluffy dogs love to be lazy. This breed is calm and devoted, a real family dog!

10. Cocker Spaniel
These sweet, intelligent family dogs are active at times and love long walks. They are also real cuddlers!
