Dogs and cats are more sensitive to certain nutrients than humans. Therefore, contact your veterinarian immediately if you know or have any doubt that your pet has ingested the foods listed below.
1. Chocolate
You probably already know that four-legged friends should absolutely not have chocolate, but do you know why they shouldn't? Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine (this substance is abundant in cocoa beans and gives chocolate its slightly bitter taste). If your dog or cat ingests these substances, he can suffer seizures and he can even die from this. So absolutely do not give your pet chocolate!
2. Coffee
Caffeine can be very uplifting for humans, but for dogs and cats it is disastrous! This is because our four-legged friends cannot process the amount of caffeine properly. So make sure your dog or cat does not accidentally ingest coffee, for example by leaving your cup of coffee on the table.
3. Grapes and raisins
This may sound like a healthy snack for your four-legged friend, but nothing could be further from the truth! Grapes and raisins (which, of course, are dried grapes) can cause kidney failure.
4. Macadamia nuts
These nuts are not as harmless as they seem! The toxic substance in the macadamia nut is unknown, but if your dog or cat eats it, he or she may suffer from muscle weakness, vomiting and overheating. So also watch out with cookies or other products, which contain this nut!
5. Onions
Both processed, and unprocessed. Dogs and cats, unlike humans, are unable to process the substance found in onions (thiosulfate). This product can damage your pet's red blood cells, increasing the risk of anemia. So eating with the pot is not always a good idea! Be careful what ingredients you cook with and whether your dog is allowed to have these ingredients.
6. Garlic
Garlic is slightly less harmful than onions, but still not good for your four-legged friend. This food can also damage your pet's red blood cells.
Also read the article below with 10 x fruits and vegetables that your pet can eat though
7. Avocados
For humans, avocados are very healthy and tasty, but dogs and cats cannot handle them well. Eating avocados can make four-legged friends suffer from vomiting and diarrhea. Also, the large pit of the avocado can create choking hazards!
8. Alcohol
You probably don't give your dog or cat a glass of wine with dinner, but of course it is possible that your four-legged friend may accidentally ingest alcohol. Alcohol can cause problems with the liver and kidneys.
9. Raw meat
Raw meat can contain pathogens, such as parasites and salmonella. There are, however, many raw meats specially designed for dogs and cats, which they may of course eat.
10. Bones
Bones? Oh dear, that's not a good idea! This is because bones can be brittle and can splinter. Risks of eating bones include: splinters in the organs, danger of choking, danger of the bone getting stuck in the lower jaw, blockages and broken teeth. Fortunately, special dog bones have been developed that you can give to your lovely four-legged friend!
